Kandrac & Kole Interior Design

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Wisteria - A Company with a BIG Heart

We LOVE to support companies that not only make great products, but also use their profits to make the world a better place. Mission work has a big place in our hearts. Kelly has just returned from another trip to Guatemala to help build a new home for a family (read her blog here), and we have recently wrapped up the finishing touches on our second space at the United Methodist Children's Home in Atlanta. While flipping through one of my favorite catalogs I came across a little blurb that says a whole lot about one amazing company.

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Wisteria has long been a favorite of Kandrac and Kole. We've bragged about their ever present eye-candy over and over again, but this time I noticed a tiny section in their catalog that is called Wisteria Nonprofit Friends.


In each issue they feature an organization doing something special somewhere in the world. They financially support each of these missions and then offer information on how you can help. I love that!!

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This month's Nonprofit Friend is the Methodist Children's Home in Costa Rica. Started by Ray and Lidia Zirkel, longtime missionaries in Costa Rica, the Children's Home was built to address the problem of homeless children and overcrowded institutions in San Jose. They are providing a nurturing, Christian family home for children who would otherwise have no family. Today one house operates with another one opening in late 2013.

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For more information on the Methodist Children's Home, Costa Rica visit their site.

Here's a short round-up of some recent Nonprofit Friends from Wisteria; Empower African Children, Safe Haven, Akola Project, No Kid Hungry, Defenders of Freedom, and Aid to Artisans, just to name a few. They've been busy helping this amazing range of organizations since before 2006. WOW.

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For information on the other amazing organizations that Wisteria has featured in the past visit their blog.

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We love organizations that have BIG hearts, not to mention beautiful home furnishing and accessories. - Check them out here!!