Kandrac & Kole Interior Design

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Christmas Blessings from Guatemala

I traveled to Guatemala last week to visit my friends The Greene Family (our sponsors at Catalyst Resources International) and to play Santa to my special family in the village of Labor da Falla and the children at God Bless the Children Orphanage.

Of course it's no surprise, that I was the one truly blessed during my visit.

I started out in the village visiting a family my team and I built a house for 3 years ago. We stay in touch via texts and my semi annual visit. This year they needed some cooking pots and food (beans, rice, sugar, oil, salt, nutritious milk, corn meal). I also gave them money for new shoes.



Oh my gosh - they were all decorated for Christmas and so proud. Be still my heart.


Next on my Santa list was to visit the 18 orphans at God Bless the Children. I came armed with 7 wrapped baby dolls, 6 wrapped cars and 5 hand knitted baby hats that my niece Julie lovingly made for the babies.

Keeping still while I handed out presents was quite a challenge.


All of a sudden I was attacked by a pile of happy, sweet children screaming "Gracias Kelly!".  My heart swelled. There is no greater gift than to give.


Oh the thrill of Christmas! Later the girls took their babies and put them back in the boxes they came in and made them into cribs. They took the wrapping paper and ripped it up into perfectly sized pieces and said the paper was now the babies blanket. The ingenuity of little ones who have nothing....


YES! It WAS an awesome day!


Not everybody thinks taking a selfie is fun. Oh well.


This little one just wanted to be held tight. That was my gift to her.


Hug your children close this holiday season and tell them how much you love them. Not every child has a loving parent.....

Of course Paula, Ally, Katy, Fontaine and I made sure to enjoy the city and explore places I hadn't been in my 7 visits to Guatemala. The volcanoes always take my breath away.


Yes there are beautiful golf resorts in Guatemala. Who knew?


Of course I had to get my shopping in.


We visited the outdoor shopping venue of Cayala for an amazing italian dinner.


On my last night in Guatemala, we went to the National Theatre for a Christmas show of Handels Messiah. What a treat.


The highs and lows, the beauty and the travesty, the friendships and love that abound make Guatemala a very special place for me.  I am so grateful for the opportunity to spread some Christmas cheer and to hug my friends. I can't wait to see you in July!

God Bless and Happy Holidays!
